Terms and conditions
In the Contract:
“the Booking” means the booking by a Client of an RYA Course or RYA Interactive course;
“the team member” or “staff” means any trainer, coach or instructor, freelance or otherwise that works with the company;
“Freelance” means any self-employed trainer, coach, instructor or person;
“the Booking Confirmation” means the written confirmation by the Company of a Booking made by telephone, website or e-mail;
“the Booking Form” means the form or medical form carrying the client/students details (online or in writing);
“the Company” means iPowerboat Ltd;
“the Contract” means the entire contract between the Company or Team member and the Client as contained in these Terms and Conditions, the Booking Form, Medical form and/or any Booking Confirmation;
“the Course/s” means the Training Courses, offered by the Company, Team member/staff;
“the Deposit” means the deposit paid for classroom or practical course by the Client at the time of Booking;
“the Client” means the person, persons or company named on the Booking Form or website form. In the case of more than one Client, the Clients shall be jointly and severally liable under this Contract;
“the Price” means the price for the booking set out on the Booking Form, Quote or website and any Booking Confirmation;
“the Classroom/Facility” means the dry teaching area used to run the shorebased training;
“the Terms and Conditions” means the terms and conditions set out below;
“Training Courses” means the RYA shorebased, interactive, eLearning, practical or personnel training courses run by the Company or Team member.
“Working Day” means any week day (except Saturday and Sundays and public holidays in Scotland)
"Expenses" means any flights, travel arrangements, Hotels, Accommodation.
2.1 The Client acknowledges that no statement or representation, expressed or implied, which may have been made by or on behalf of the Company induced the Client to enter into the Contract and that any such statements or representations do not form part of the Contract.
2.2 A Booking is made in the name of the Client specified in the Booking Form and is not transferable to another person unless notified on the Booking Form, refunds will not be made for online courses due to inaccurate data being entered into the Booking Form.
2.3 The Company reserves the right to decline any Booking at its discretion.
2.4 Booking in advance is necessary to reserve a classroom or practical Course, or Team member/staff booking for specific dates and a Deposit must be paid at the time of Booking. The Company may at its discretion hold open dates for Courses for a maximum of two (2) Working Days but if payment has not been received by the end of the agreed period the places will cease to be held open.
2.5 You consent to any photos and videos that are taken of you during training being used in publicity material/websites/social media. You also consent to any feedback given to company being used in these same places.
2.6 Clients provided with equipment such as waterproofs, lifejacket, wetsuits, buoyancy aid, wetsuit boots etc are responsible for the safe return at the end of each day. If loss or damage to any item beyond normal use is incurred the Client will be liable for the replacement cost of the item.
3.1 The Client must be aged 16 or over and physically fit for all courses unless otherwise detailed on the course information page on this website with the exception of interactive /eLearning courses.
3.2 The Company, Team member/staff at its discretion may allow minors over twelve (12) years old to participate in Training Courses provided they are accompanied or supervised by a parent or legal guardian. Please note hat minors under sixteen (16) years old may only be issued with an endorsed certificate and are unable to gain an 'authority to operate'.
3.3 The Company reserves the right to refuse to allow any Client, who in its opinion fails to meet these criteria, onto a vessel, course or to make a booking.
3.4 Where a training course is occupied by a group, the Client must provide on the Booking Form full details of all persons in their party, each member of the party must complete a Medical declaration form and return it to the Company prior to commencing the Course.
3.5 The Company may at its discretion cancel any Bookings made in contravention of Clauses 3.1 to 3.4 before or at the start of the Training Course. In this event, the Company shall retain the Deposit and any balance of payment will remain due unless the Company is able to re-let. If the Company is able to re-let, (and provided that the Client is not in breach of any other conditions) the Balance shall no longer be due.
3.6 The Company may at its discretion cancel the Booking and refuse to allow any Client or group to participate in a Training Course or event, who in its opinion is not suitable, on the grounds of age, ill-health, inexperience, suspected influence of alcohol or drugs, irresponsible behaviour, abusive behaviour or any reason that may affect the safety of any person, or the commercial interests of the Company or Team member.
3.7 If a Booking is cancelled pursuant to Clause 3.6 the Company shall retain the Deposit and a pro-rata fee for the duration of the Course.
3.8 Occasionally authorised parties may carry out photography and/or video recording. You agree that we may use these images in advertising, promotional or publicity material in any format whatsoever. You further agree that copyright rests with such authorised parties.
4.1 The Contract may not be cancelled or amended except as provided in these Conditions and Terms.
4.2 Cancellation of a Booking must be notified at least fourteen (14) Working Days prior to the Training Course or event being carried out in the U.K. and twenty one (21) Working Days prior for a Training Course or event being carried out outside of the U.K.
4.3 In the event of cancellation by the Client of a Booking where training is due to take place in the U.K. over twenty-one (21) Working Days before the Training Course, the Client shall be entitled to a full refund of any course Deposit or full payment paid excluding expenses. If the Booking is cancelled between twenty-one (21) and fourteen (14) Working Days before the Training Course the Client shall be entitled to be refunded 50% of the Course Balance paid, no refund will be offered for the Deposit payment. If the Booking is cancelled less than fourteen (14) Working Days before the Training Course, the Company shall not offer a refund for the Deposit or Balance Paid, if the Balance has not already been paid the Client will still be liable for any outstanding Balance due.
4.4 In the event of cancellation by the Client of a Booking where training is due to take place outside of the U.K. If the Company is notified in writing of the Cancellation over twenty-one (21) Working Days before the Training Course is due to commence or the Staff Members first day of travel (whichever is sooner) a full refund will be offered of any Course Balance paid excluding the Deposit and Expenses. If the Company is notified in writing of a Cancellation between twenty-one (21) and fourteen (14) Working Days before the Training Course or the Staff Members first day of travel (whichever is sooner) the Client shall be entitled to be refunded 50% of the Course Balance paid, no refund will be offered for the Deposit or Expenses. If the Training Course is cancelled less than fourteen (14) Working Days before the Training Course no refund will be offered for the Deposit, Balance or Expenses, the Client will still be liable for any outstanding Balance due including those for expenses already incurred before the cancellation date by the Company.
4.5 In the event of Training Course Date changes requested by the Client, when the Company is notified in writing over twenty-one (21) Working Days before the Training Course is due to commence or the Staff Members first day of travel (whichever is sooner) the Course Balance will be transferred to the new mutually agreed Training Course Dates. No transfer of funds nor refund will be offered for the Deposit Payment nor the Expenses incurred from the original Training Course Dates.
4.6 In the event of adverse weather conditions, including floods, storms, strong winds or unforeseen circumstances, shortage of water, non-availability of fuel, flight cancellations or delays, preventing the conducting of a Training Course or the Team member getting to the relevant destination, the Company or Team member shall offer alternative dates to the Client to complete the training. No refund will be offered for the Expenses incurred for training booked outside of the U.K.
4.7 In the event of technical problems, mechanical failure or technical failure of the Companies equipment/vessels in the U.K. preventing the conducting of the Training Course, the Company shall offer alternative dates to the Client to complete the Training Course.
4.8 In the event of flight cancellations, delays, air traffic control /airport strikes, industrial action, weather, civil unrest where the team member/s are unable to return to the U.K. from the training location; the Client will assist the Team member/s with accommodation and sourcing alternative travel arrangements.
4.9 Refer to section 9 - eLearning courses for Cancellation information for RYA Online and Nav at Home courses.
4.10 Online / eLearning Courses and tests must be completed within a period of no more than six (6) months from the date of registration.
4.11 Cancellation fees apply when course payments are made via Paypal or Stripe, this percentage is governed by Paypal/Stripe and is dependant on the original cost of the course. The Client will be liable for these fees and they will be automatically deducted from the refund amount.
5.1 Neither the Booking Form nor the Booking Confirmation is a VAT invoice; if a VAT invoice is required please email enquiries@ipowerboat.co.uk
5.2 The Company reserves the right to regularly review and amend the Price of the Courses, Team members, displayed on the Booking Form and on the websites of the Company at www.iPowerboat.co.uk
5.3 Any written quotations given to prospective Clients shall be valid for fourteen (14) working days from the date of enquiry.
5.4 For U.K courses, at the time of Booking, a non-refundable and non-transferable Deposit of £50-00 must be paid by the Client unless otherwise specified. Full payment is required at the time of booking for Interactive/eLearning courses. The course balance is due a minimum of fourteen (14) days before the first course date.
5.5 For courses taking place outside of the U.K but within Europe, at the time of booking a non-refundable £555-00 deposit must be paid by the Client. The course balance is due a minimum of twenty one (21) days before the first date of the Team member/s travel.
5.6 For courses taking place outside of the U.K. and Europe, at the time of booking a non-refundable deposit equivalent to the travel fees must be paid by the Client. The course balance is due a minimum of twenty one (21) days before the first date of the Team member/s travel.
5.7 For course gift certificates, the full payment is required at the time of purchase.
5.8 Mileage rates will be charged in addition to the Course fee if the training course takes place outside of a 50 mile radius from Kinlochleven, Argyll. Where training courses are booked outside of the U.K. mileage rates will be charged for the U.K. travel to/from the relevant departure airport from Kinlochleven, Argyll.
5.9 Where Training courses are booked to be run outside of the U.K. the Client will be liable for the associated expenses; including but not limited to: sundries (£30-00 p/day per staff member + VAT), mileage to/from the departure airport from Kinlochleven, Argyll; U.K. airport parking; return flights including 1 x checked bag per staff member; car/taxi travel to/from the airport to the non-UK training location; hotel accommodation within a reasonable distance from the training location, travel day fees for the Trainer and Moderator, Visa fees (where applicable), any additional insurance costs (for courses run outside of Europe).
5.10 Certificate fees, Assessment fees and Course books/packs will be charged in addition to the Course fee unless otherwise noted.
5.11 Where fees are paid by a non-UK bank transfer, bank and exchange rate fees will be payable by the Client.
6.1 The Company undertakes regular checks of the equipment used for training tuition before its hiring in accordance with the manufacturers’ and RYA recommendations.
6.2 In the event of any of the Companies equipment suffering mechanical breakdown, technical difficulties or malfunction the Company shall take all reasonable steps to enable the completion of the Course.
6.3 The Company shall not be liable for any consequential loss or damage that the Client(s) may suffer as a result of such breakdown/malfunction. Subject to Clause 4, any refunds are at the Company’s discretion.
7.1 The Company’s team members/staff are insured with £10 million public liability insurance and personal indemnity for operations within the U.K and Europe. Whilst undertaking a training course, event or work of any kind at another location, the training centre/business/vessel/Yacht or club will undertake the agreement that the Team members/staff, students, crew members will be insured under the Client's employers liability and public liability. The Company's insurance does not cover personal accidents, loss or damage to personal or business effects. Clients are advised to take out their own insurance cover.
8.1 A maximum of twelve (12) Clients are allowed on a shore based training course, a maximum of three (3) Clients are allowed on an RYA powerboat level 1/2 course, a maximum of three (3) Clients are allowed on RYA Intermediate/Tender Operator/Advanced Powerboat instructor courses ; not including the Company's Team members/staff or assistant.
8.2 Where tuition is being given in a location not occupied or owned by the Company, the Client shall indemnify the Company and all its Training team/staff in respect of all costs, claims, expenses and demands which it may suffer or incur and which arise directly or indirectly out of the use of the facility during the period of tuition. The Client confirms that the facility meets HSE workplace requirements and that all equipment has been regularly serviced/maintained in accordance with the manufacturers’ recommendations, full insurance is in place for the period of tuition and all appropriate safety equipment is in place.
8.3 Where tuition is being given onboard vessel/s not owned by the Company the Client shall indemnify the Company and all its Training team/staff in respect of all costs, claims, expenses and demand which it may suffer or incur and which arise directly or indirectly out of the use of the vessel/s during the period of tuition.
8.4 Refunds will not be issued due to equipment failure of a Client's vessel/s, equipment or facilities.
8.5 The Client confirms that the vessel/s meet the required safety standards and that all equipment has been regularly serviced/maintained in accordance with manufacturers recommendations and all appropriate and required RYA safety equipment is in place as per the RYA Powerboat & Motor Cruising Checklist.
8.6 The Client is legally responsible for the vessel/s at all times, including when under tuition. The Client remains the skipper and legally responsible for the safe management of the vessel/s at all time including when under tuition and all not hold the Company or its Staff responsible for any loss of damage.
8.7 Tuition is provided on the basis that the vessel is insured by the owner for use during training, loss, damage and public liability and has gained permission to operate where required.
8.8 Where marina fees/ short stay charges / launch and recovery fees are incurred these are the responsibility of the Client.
- eLEARNING COURSES and RYA Interactive courses
9.1 A maximum of 2.5 hours individual contact time (via email/Skype) with an RYA instructor per eLearning course is included in the course fee. Should further support be required on a face to face basis this will be charged at a rate of £25 p/hour + mileage at government rates if training is carried out in a location other than our own.
9.2 The Company shall not accept liability for technical issues/problems with the RYA interactive website www.ryainteractive.org causing delay, loss of information, damage or loss of any nature whatsoever sustained by any Client.
9.3 Online / eLearning Courses and tests must be completed within a period of no more than twelve (12) months from the date of registration, after which point the account may be deleted.
9.4 RYA Online/eLearning Courses will not be refunded due to incompatibility between the RYA interactive operating system and the user/purchasers operating system. You must ensure that you check the details on this website / the RYA interactive website for details on compatibility and download the 'taster' course to ensure compatibility before payment.
9.5 eCourse Packs (where applicable) will be mailed/delivered to the Shipping address provided at the point of sale. Course packs for Navigation eCourses will be sent 'sign for' or tracked dependent on their destination. If any course pack is unable to be delivered and returned to the Company, the Client will be liable to pay the new postage/delivery costs.
9.5 RYA Online/eLearning Courses and Navathome online courses will not be refunded after payment has been made unless a fault with Marine Education's website/s can be proven.
9.6 Complaints must be emailed/sent in writing for the attention of 'The Principal' to enquiries@ipowerboat.co.uk
9.7 Day skipper, Coastal skipper/Yachtmaster offshore & Yachtmaster Ocean courses are hosted by Navathome Ltd. There is a 6 month completion time limit on all these courses. If you exceed this period you will be required to pay an additional fee of £30.00 in order to gain access again. You must have access to the internet and email in order to complete these courses. You may cancel this course within the first 7 days from recieving your login details but a £30.00 administration charge will apply and the course pack must be immediately returned unopened with postage paid by you to Navathome Ltd. For further terms & conditions on the Navathome Ltd courses please go to www.navathome.com
9.8 To enable access to your online course we need to share some of your personal data with the RYA via your user profile in www.ryainteractive.org This learning management website is hosted and maintained by a third party called Learning Pool, who will not use your personal information for any reason other than enabling your course.
Your name and email address will be entered on www.ryainteractive.org in order to create your user account. On your first access to the site, you will be asked to enter your address and date of birth. You will have access to the site for one year in order to complete your online course. During this period, your personal information will be held on the website by Learning Pool and be available to this training centre and the RYA for the purpose of managing your course.
Instructional support will be provided by this training centre for a period of 3 months from the date of your course booking.
On completion of your course, your name, email, date of birth and address will be transferred to the RYA's central database for the purpose of recording details of the course and any certification you gain as a result of it. This information allows the RYA to record your certification, to update any records they may already hold about you or your qualifications and to verify your certificate if required. After one year from the date of your enrolment on the course, your user account will be removed from www.ryainteractive.org. Full details of how the RYA will deal with your personal information will be displayed when you first access www.ryainteractive.org
9.9 RYA Online Course discounts - Where discounts have been given when combined with the purchase of an RYA practical course should the client cancel the practical course & request a refund, the discount for the online course will no longer apply. The online course discount will be deducted from the practical course fee refund.
10.1 Gift Vouchers and Gift eCertificates are valid for 12 months from the purchase date. Vouchers / Gift eCertificates are redeemed by emailing or calling iPowerboat Ltd to agree a mutually viable course date in Kinlochleven, Argyll. Gift Vouchers / Gift eCertifcates are non-refundable in any circumstances but are transferable to another person. Minimum ages for all courses apply. Gift Vouchers can be used for any weekday and weekend course dates outside of UK school holidays and for weekday courses within UK school holiday periods unless otherwise specified on the voucher.
11.1 The Company shall not accept any liability for death, personal injury, damage, expense or loss of any nature whatsoever sustained by any Client, other than in the case of proven negligence of the Company or its Team Members/staff.
12.1 The Company will be under no liability for any loss of, or damage to vehicles or contents of the Client’s or other people’s property, in the classroom/facility or elsewhere, or howsoever caused, except by the Company’s negligence or the negligence of those for whom the Company is responsible. Clients are particularly advised not to leave any valuable or portable items in any vehicles.
13.1 Complaints must be emailed/sent in writing for the attention of 'The Principal' to enquiries@ipowerboat.co.uk. If a satisfactory agreement cannot be reached, the complaint will be referred to the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) for arbitration, or you can raise a complaint directly to: training@rya.org.uk.
In the event that the Client commits any breach of this Contract the Company shall be entitled but without prejudice to any other rights or remedies which it may have, to terminate the Course without notice, and to make a reasonable charge for time spent. No right of the Company shall be waived except in writing by a duly authorised representative of the Company.
The Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Scottish law and the parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish courts.