Powerboat Courses

Powerboat Courses

RYA Powerboat Level 2

RYA Powerboat Level 2


£360.00 incl. VAT

The RYA Powerboat Level 2 course is essentially a practical based course, that provides you with the skills and knowledge to operate a RIB, or small powerboat within inshore areas. The Powerboat Level 2 can also be used to obtain a commercial endorsement on certain MCA codes of practice allowing the certificate holder to skipper a small commercial vessel.

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RYA Advanced Powerboat

RYA Advanced Powerboat


£425.00 incl. VAT

The RYA Advanced Powerboat course is for leisure and professional boaters waiting to undertake more adventurous trips or operate a commercial vessel or workboats further offshore in the hours of darkness. The commercial limitations are; Category 3, up to 20 miles from a safe haven.

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RYA Intermediate Powerboat

RYA Intermediate Powerboat


£390.00 incl. VAT

This course covers the practical use of pilotage and passage planning by day on coastal waters using both traditional and electronic navigation techniques. This makes the course a great option for those who are comfortable using their boat, but a bit apprehensive about going further afield or venturing to areas that they are unfamiliar with.

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RYA Powerboat Level 1

RYA Powerboat Level 1


£225.00 incl. VAT

This fun and educational course is an introduction to powerboating techniques for launching and recovering a boat from a road trailer, everyday boat handling skills and the use of safety equipment typically found on board.

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