MCA Courses

MCA Courses

MCA Small Ships Navigation & Radar

MCA Small Ships Navigation & Radar


£1,020.00 incl. VAT

Radar and Electronic Chart Systems are common place on small commercial vessels and workboats, and when used correctly can be very versatile aids to navigation.

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MCA Boatmaster Fire Safety

MCA Boatmaster Fire Safety


£175.00 incl. VAT

The MCA approved Fire Safety course is aimed at skippers and crew of small workboats and small commercial vessels. The course has been launched primarily to meeting the manning requirements of Workboat Code 3. The course also meets the requirements for those applying for their MCA Boatmaster Licence (BML).

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MCA Stability

MCA Stability


£240.00 incl. VAT

The MCA Stability for Workboats, Pilot Boats and Small Commercial Vessels (SCV) has been introduced to meet the requirements in the Workboat Code Edition 2 and Edition 3 for crew to attend an approved stability course. This course meets the requirements of Appendix 3, 2.14 Stability Training of the code of practice.

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