MCA Stability

The MCA Stability for Workboats, Pilot Boats and Small Commercial Vessels (SCV) has been introduced to meet the requirements in the Workboat Code Edition 2 and Edition 3 for crew to attend an approved stability course. This course meets the requirements of Appendix 3, 2.14 Stability Training of the code of practice.


Candidates for other MCA qualifications such as Master 200, Boatmaster and RYA Yachtmaster Offshore would find this course beneficial to understand the key principles of vessel stability. The course aims to make candidates aware of dangerous situations that can adversely affect stability.

Purpose-built stability models are used to practically demonstrate various aspects of the syllabus.

General terms in use, general principles of transverse stability, adding, moving and shifting weights.

Adding, moving and shifting weights (cont.), use of cranes and shift of COG, critical KG calculations.

Stability information booklet, inclining test, deck edge immersion, free surface effect.

Stiff and tender vessels, catamaran stability, risks of tug and tow, risks of deck cargoes, wind and ice accretion effects.

There is a written assessment. Successful candidates will be awarded the MCA Workboat Stability certificate.


Candidates are required to bring a valid form of identification such as driving licence, passport or ships discharge book.

Candidates should familiarise themselves with their own vessel stability books.

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